IRN Multi-Physics and Multi-scale Couplings
in Geo-environmental Mechanics
Role of particle rotations in continuum-scale displacement gradient
of granular materials:
application to rockfill modeling
Contacts: Dr. Xia Li, Southeast University (China), Dr. Francois Nicot, Irstea, Grenoble-Alpes University (France), Dr. Olivier Millet, La Rochelle University (France), Dr. Niels Kruyt, University of Twente (The Netherlands), details of the proposal under this link.
Partially saturated granular materials:
from material instability to landslide modeling
[DEM simulations of funicular regime]
Contacts: Dr. Olivier Millet, University of La Rochelle (France), Dr. Niels Kruyt, University of Twente (The Netherlands), Dr. Richard Wan, University of Calgary (Canada), Dr. Francois Nicot, Irstea, University of Grenoble-Alpes (France), details of the proposal under this link.