The main lines of research concerned by the IRN Multi-Physics and Multiscale Couplings in Geo-environmental Mechanics are as follows:
- Catastrophic failures and triggering mechanisms
- Safety of storage reservoirs
- Energetic geomechanics
- Olivier MILLET, LaSIE, CNRS UMR 7356, Université de La Rochelle, Coordinator
- François NICOT, ISTerre UMR CNRS 5275, Université Savoie-Mont-Blanc, co-Coordinator
- Félix DARVE, Professor, INP Grenoble - L3S-R
- Bernard CAMBOU, Professor, Ecole centrale de Lyon - LTDS
- Pierre-Yves HICHER, Professor, Ecole centrale de Nantes - GEM
- Djimédo KONDO Professor, IJLRDA, Université, Paris 6
- Karim AÏT-MOKHTAR Professor, Université de La Rochelle
- Mehdi GHOREYCHI, Scientific Director of Ineris
- Khaled Bourbatache, INSA-Rennes